Looking for an industrial design or marketing contractor?


If you’re looking for additional industrial design, mechanical engineering or marketing resource, but not looking to hire someone permanently, then our team can help fill your resource gaps on a contract basis.

Contractors for hire

Our team have experience working in many different sectors, from medical devices, consumer products and aerospace.

We can provide flexible contract options for your business, working to an agreed hourly rate or set project fee.

Consultancy Services

We can provide advisory consultancy for problem solving, design solutions if you need outside perspective. We’ll offer objective advice and recommendations based upon our findings .

Benefits for your business

Our aim is to support your business and work seamlessly alongside your internal teams. We’ll work with you to bring your product to market successfully by supplying product development and marketing services.

Whether your company is large or small, or you’re an entrepreneur, we can support your project.

Get ahead of the competition

Increase productivity

Meet project goals

Launch projects faster

New approaches and ideas

Our services

Cornelius Creative product design

Industrial Design

Mechanical Engineering

Product Management

Marketing Strategy

Resource gaps?

Our team has experience developing and marketing the following types of products and more:

Medical devices

Consumer products


Industrial machinery


Sports equipment

Get in touch with our team today


Let’s arrange a quick call to discuss your project; get in touch with our friendly and expert team today.

Call: 01474 368654

Email: info@corneliuscreative.uk

Or complete the form below and we’ll be in touch soon.